Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Tuesday, October 30, 2007


these two are now up as a complimentary set on ebay. blue flowers.k and l: complimentary


blue flowers k, l, m, n: complimentary

Monday, October 29, 2007

102907.11:30PM: Progress

explicit path in dying

Sunday, October 28, 2007


progress ghost


statik kinetic abstrakt 102807d: pivot

Friday, October 26, 2007

102607.9:00PM progress

Thursday, October 25, 2007

blue flowers.j

blue flowers.j: night, wind, and firefly light


blue flowers.night.i

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


blue flowers.h.night

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


blue flowers.g


statik kinetic abstrakt 102307a statik kinetic abstrakt 102307b statik kinetic abstrakt 102307c

Monday, October 22, 2007

statik kinetic abstrakt: 102207a


started painting at about 10:00am this morning and think i'll call it a day. maybe a little reading and time to crash. blue flowers g, h, and i:night are the top three the bottom ones i put out in the alley a couple months ago, and they re-appeared today. someone set them in the same place i set them about the same way. when i looked out and saw them, i knew right away they were just needing to be finished. so, they are just about done now, and i'm glad they returned to me so i could complete them.


Blue Flowers.F: Night, Wind, and Firefly Light 18" x 21" mixed media on 3/4" thick wood cabinet door

Wednesday, October 17, 2007



Its been a good run the last couple days, and i'm still at work. Over 12 hours of painting yesterday, and 17 the day before that (wiped myself out that day, and had to force myself to quit), with today off to a great start. Blue Flowers D: Night was picked up this AM. Thanks again, I hope you enjoy the piece. After ebaying so much it was nice to come face to face with someone. Time for another cup of coffee...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

101607.statik-kinetic sickness

statik-kinetic abstrakt: 101507a statik-kinetic abstrakt: 101507b statik-kinetic abstrakt: 101507c

Monday, October 15, 2007


statik kineticsm is souly responsible to its content

Saturday, October 13, 2007


more new stuff. blue flowers: e.night came out pretty well. the other one is 101307.statik-kinetic abstract. more later...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Saturday, October 06, 2007


one more right now just to update. this is blue flowers.D: night. more on the way but i've gotten behind on other stuff and had to catch up. hopefully starting a real onslaught on mon again. thanks to everyone thats offered support and bought stuff on ebay. see ya soon...

Thursday, October 04, 2007


painted a mural the last two days. felt really good to do, but was pretty hard work by the end. good sore. a tight mural overall, and they want to possibly wrap the building next year. thats twice i've painted this bike shop, and they've been super-cool. the pay was good and there was leftover paint to divi up. i'll try to catch up with ebay the next few days, but i got over pretty well in absence... i'll post a finished foto of the whole thing when i get one, probably not until at least next week.