Wednesday, April 28, 2010


cloudy, grey and cold here, so why not post some b and w work... in my eyes, graphite can sometimes say more than a full palette...

Monday, April 26, 2010

kathed polaroid 041210

heres the latest in the kathed polaroid series. 16 " x 20" on fredrix canvas artists panel. acrylic and enamel. this is the largest one by far, which i think adds nicely to the ridiculous humour of some of my work. i have to counter balance depression somehow, and allthough i will make more depressed looking works, or pieces that express more sadness and depression, i think the kathedz in general and especially the polaroid has done that. this, i think also keeps to a fairly iconographic continuity in my work. (eyekon is part of this) simplifying general concepts to get them to hopefully express something to a wider audience. also, in working in this way its been so repetitive that my skill level has developed fairly well too. well, i just drank some real strong coffee and now i'm long winded. i think i'll go paint...

-stitched hearts

Sunday, April 11, 2010


one of the newest eyekons. this one measures about 10 1/2" x 7 3/4". done in acrylics, spraypaint and enamel on 1/2" thick found wood panel...

Friday, April 09, 2010

wine bottle/pinot noir

did this one last summer. ink on found scrap wood that is 1 3/4" thick. piece measures 9" x 4" and is signed on front and back. this one is available on ebay for the next ten days auction style... starting at just .99 cents

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


this eyekon will end on ebay shortly. a fun one to do on a rescued piece of found wood and fetching a fairly decent price presently. measuring 8" x 7" on 3/4" thick wood. done in acrylics. i have a number of eyekons already finished and waiting for me to list them here for display, and for sale on ebay. i'm at almost 650 art auctions sold since july 29th, 2006. plus i've been in a handful of shows (which i usually avoid) sold to private collectors, written graffiti, and done mural work. i also like to nail or screw up random pieces of art around towns for people to eventually take off with...

Saturday, April 03, 2010


i recently had a bunch of masonite cut up to ACEO size, so many ACEO paintings are on the way. heres an EYEKON aceo card...