Sunday, August 31, 2008

Statik Kinetic Scarab 082908

14 3/4" x 9 1/4" mixed media on masonite

Monday, August 25, 2008

new stuffs...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Statik Kinetic character 082008a

5" x 4 1/4" acrylic on 3/4" thick sanded found wood block... for sale via link over there...>>>

081908 and 082008 Eyekons...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Statik Kinetic character 081808a

4" x 4 1/2" acrylic on sanded found wood block thats about 1/2" thick... available on ebay now via link on right!

new eyekons from 081808

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Statik Kinetic Abstrakt 081508

18" x 21" mixed media on cabinet door

NEW stuff for you...

lots of new work done of late, but slow on the updates. check links for sales, more info, and more nonsense...

Saturday, August 09, 2008

more PILBOX cards...

4" x 3" ink and marker on cardstock. available on ebay now via link on right... :)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

STATIK KINETIC character 080408

11" x 16" acrylic, aerosol, and enamel on found wood panel. been making art all day, everyday, and nearly starving for it. making progress seems to come at a high price. no responses to job applications, no drinking or socializing. no trouble with the law at least. lots of blackbook drawing too, developing the statik kinetic characters more and just the general style that is statik kineticsm. trying to buy enough time so i can take longer on some stuff and get to those "masterpieces" as they say. keep having people buy my art for next to nothing on ebay and then re-sell it as if i don't know in this age of google. these are the never-ending dues to making art and chasing a dream. suffering and lonliness. mental illness and alchoholism. days into nights without hearing my name spoken. on the reading list: finished hemingways' "true at first light" a few days ago, then read a copy of steinbecks' "the red pony" i got for .50 cents at a garage sale and am now engrossed in hesses' "the steppenwolf" same price same garage sale. at least uptown mpls is good for something even if it is just an occassional garage sale or good dumpster dive. been burning through many different materials too. canvas, masonite, cardstock, paper, ink, markers, spraypaint, enamel, acrylic, oil, graphite. shipped stuff off to australia, france, germany and many us states this week. got some more overseas shipping to do soon too. bad market here, you export it... anyways, back to the net grind.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

statik kinetic abstrakt 080208

24" x 21" acrylic and enamel on 1 1/4" thick wood panel

Sunday, August 03, 2008

pink flowers: e

missed this one and went to f... these paintings seem like they would be simple to do casually, but they have a mind of their own and only come when they wish... 16" x 7" acrylic and enamel on dresser drawer panel. available on ebay now...

Eyekons 080308 abc

Saturday, August 02, 2008

080208 EYEKONS A, B, C

Friday, August 01, 2008

and more eyekons!

new statik kinetic character pilbox cards